Jesus Makes Us Kings and Queens

When Saul was first appointed King of Israel, he attempted to hide the matter from his kinsmen, and even attempted to escape his coronation by hiding himself among the baggage.

Why? Perhaps he feared that he was unfit for the position, or perhaps he simply desired for things to stay as they always had been.

Whatever the case, after his installation as King, he immediately rejoined the oxen and went back to plowing fields. It was not until the “Spirit of God rushed upon him” that he irreparably left his old ways by sacrificing the very oxen he had been following and embraced his new identity.

Is it not the same with us? Jesus, the King of Kings, desires to give us authority to reign and rule as monarchs:

“You have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth.”

And just as Saul was anointed, so it is said of us,

“You have been anointed by the Holy One.”

Why then should we hide from this high calling and return to our former estate when given a promise of this magnitude? On the contrary,

“If we endure, we will also reign with him.”

Lord, give us grace to believe that You have chosen us to reign with you. May Your Spirit rush upon us, that we may sacrifice what we know for the sake of the calling we have been given, the “upward call of God in Christ Jesus!”