Not a single mistake, or slip of the tongue, or wayward thought unchecked. Not a single sin. Not a single neglected promise, or forgotten assurance. No, Jesus has never failed, either in general or towards His people. “He has never failed me yet.” All these years I have been put to the test, and I have come up far short! But Jesus—He has never once failed me. Not once has there been a time when He was at fault in anything. What confidence can we then place in Him! There is no risk in trusting God, because it is impossible for Him to fail. Contrariwise, I have no hope of succeeding when trusting in myself, or my surroundings, or in others; sooner or later, the fountains of the earth will fail, and I will be thirsty still. Praise God that He will never fail, and that in Him the fountains of grace flow forever and ever!