“Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart.” Often times we appear to others (or ourselves) to be attractive, handsome, or beautiful, either in behavior or appearance. But when we look more closely at our hearts, we are undone. We are a brood of vipers with the venom of asps under our lips; we are open graves and whitewashed tombs. Or hearts are deceitful above all things,
and desperately sick, and all our righteousness is filthy rags. But the love of God is stronger than human sin! Christ desires a beautiful bride, and a beautiful bride He will have. He washes us with His Word as with living water that heals our spiritual necrosis and causes us to truly live. He adorns us with His own majestic righteousness, and lavishes us with jewels that refract the splendor of His salvation. He is making us beautiful by making us holy, set apart to dwell with Him forever in glory. And one day we will be in His presence, shining as the sun because of Him. Let us then leave behind our earthly attachments and cleave to Him who alone can make us what He wants us to be!
Tag: sanctification
Jesus Makes Us Beautiful