Tag: Jesus is our shalom

  • Jesus Is Our Shalom

    “Shalom” is a beautiful word. It means “peace,” but not just peace. It signifies wholeness, completeness, security, and contentment—-in other words, the way things were always meant to be.

    Before the fall there was shalom, but it was shattered by the presence of sin. And ever since, there have been transient periods of peace and prosperity on the earth, but no true shalom to be found except in Christ. He himself is our shalom.

    Jesus is rightly called King of Salem—which in Hebrew means King of Shalom—and by His sacrifice has forever restored shalom for all those that would have it.

    He speaks shalom to the waves and they are still; He speaks shalom into troubled hearts and they are comforted and forgiven. He came and preached shalom to those who were far off and shalom to those who were near. He guides our feet into the way of shalom because He is the God of shalom.

    In Jesus is all our comfort, all our security, all our prosperity, and all our hope for the way things were meant to be. In Him we not only live and move and have our being, but we also have every spiritual blessing, and an imperishable inheritance that is kept in heaven for us:

    “The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance. Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure.”

    Therefore, to all who believe in Him I say:

    “Grace and shalom from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!”