Tag: Jesus fun

  • Jesus Loves Fun

    “Fun” is not a word that is commonly used in religious contexts, perhaps because we associate it with ephemeral and meaningless pleasures devoid of eternal benefit. But we forget that Jesus created fun, and while its wrong use is to be avoided, its right use is to be embraced because it is a foretaste of heaven and a reflection of His character. On many of the the various appointed feast days the Old Testament, God’s people were commanded to celebrate:

    “And there you shall eat before the Lord your God, and you shall rejoice, you and your households, in all that you undertake, in which the Lord your God has blessed you.”

    Agricultural abundance is a common Scriptural symbol for the rich delights that are afforded to those who love God:

    “Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine.”

    And while he condemned godless frivolity, Jesus Himself had fun. He used hilarious exaggerations: straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel, wooden beams sticking out of our eyes, camels passing through the eye of a needle. He ate and drank with tax collectors and sinners, and what a party that must have been!

    “He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love.”

    Fun without sin is heaven indeed. Lord, be the center of all my delights and enjoyments in this world—the life of party now and forever!

    “In your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”