Jesus Provides for His People

Nowhere in Scripture is it written that Jesus’ followers are guaranteed to be rich. Nowhere is it written that they shall receive every material comfort that they might possibly crave.

What is promised, however, is that those who believe in Him shall be sufficiently provided for. The same God that feeds the sparrows and clothes the lilies has promised to feed and clothe us as well.

But His gracious provision is meted out in daily installments, and not in a lump sum for us to do with as we please. We are instructed to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread,” not “Give us a lifetime supply of all good things that we may forget you and be content.”

Indeed, hoarded blessings become worthless, just as those who attempted to hoard manna in jars soon found that it bred maggots and stank. The greedy prodigal acquired his lifetimes’ inheritance and spent it, leaving him lower than the pigs he served. And he who boasted that he would build barns and store up years’ worth of goods to enjoy—he was called a fool by God because all his wealth could not save him from death that very night.

But blessed is he who looks to God to provide for him! Just as Elijah was fed by ravens and Hagar was led to an oasis in her hour of need, so we are provided with everything that is needful, day by day, moment by moment. And even if persecution and confiscation of goods should be our lot, we are always provided with the bread and water of life that are found in Jesus.

His provisions know no end, and are gifted to us each day as tokens of His never-failing love. Thank you, Lord, for giving us everything we need in Christ!

“The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup.”

“So Abraham called the name of that place, ‘The Lord will provide’; as it is said to this day, ‘On the mount of the Lord it shall be provided.’”